class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # From Airflow to Docker ## R in an Open Source
Production Environment ### Matt Bannert (
) ### KOF, ETH Zurich ### December 3, 2020 --- class: center, middle ## What is Production? <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class: center, middle <img src="factory.jpg" width="550px"> <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class: center, middle > Repeated (regular) runs of the same task resulting in a pre-defined, quality controlled result. > > <footer>--- KOF definition of production</footer> <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class:center,middle ## KOF Output <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class:center,middle <img src="plotcover.png" height="300px"> <img src="reportcover.png" height="300px"> <img src="tabcover.png" height="300px"> <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class:center, middle ## Docker ## Apache Airflow ## Gitlab CI <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## Docker in One Slide > Single purpose, application focused virtualization. - **Images**: blueprints for **containers**. - **Registries**: store images. - **Docker files** are text based configs from which images are created. - Images can be stacked, so we can build on existing images. <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## KOF Main Components: Docker Containers .pull-left[ **permanent** containers: - PostgreSQL - Apache Airflow - miniCRAN - custom docker registry - APIs (plumber, servr, **non-permanent** containers: - a universal base image - task specific images ] .pull-right[ <div class="dow"> <img src="dockeroverview.jpg" width="650px"> </div> ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## KOF Main Components: Gitlab CI .pull-left[ on push to default branch - build (R) packages - push to miniCRAN - deploy to servers - push files to docker host / volumes (rsync) - (rebuild docker images) ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## KOF Main Components: Gitlab CI .pull-left[ on push to default branch - build (R) packages - push to miniCRAN - deploy to servers - push files to docker host / volumes (rsync) - (rebuild docker images) ] .pull-right[ .gitlab-ci.yaml ``` [...] stages: - buildncheck - kran - deploy check: image: rocker/tidyverse:3.6.0 stage: buildncheck artifacts: untracked: true script: # we don't need it and it causes a hidden file NOTE - rm .gitlab-ci.yml - R -e 'devtools::install(".", repos = "miniCRAN")' - R -e 'devtools::check(error_on = "error")' - R CMD build . --no-build-vignettes --no-manual [...] - ssh -t 'sudo /usr/bin/R -e \\ "install.packages(\"thatpack\", repos = \"miniCRAN\")"' ``` ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## KOF Main Components: Apache Airflow .pull-left[ - SO questions tagged airflow: 4K+ - workflow scheduler - monitor / overview dashboard - can trigger processes locally, on VMs, docker, Kubernetes etc. ] .pull-right[ <img src="airflow_screenshot.png" width="450" /> ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class:center,middle ## Applied Example: The swissdata project <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class:center,middle > Gather data from various public sources, </br> > transform into homogeneous time series format, </br> > read into PostgreSQL database.</br> > <footer>--- the swissdata project in a nutshell.</footer> <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## Examples: The Swissdata Project .pull-left[ ### Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) <img src="swissdata_af.png" width="450" /> ] .pull-right[ ```python [...] dag = DAG('swissdata', description='Run swissdata', schedule_interval = '0 9,17 * * *', default_args = default_args, catchup=False) with dag: run_swissdata = DockerOperator( task_id = 'run_swissdata', image = '', api_version = 'auto', auto_remove = True, force_pull = True, volumes = [ 'swissdata-output:/output' ], docker_url = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" ) source_swissdata = DockerOperator( task_id = 'source_swissdata', image = '', user='some-base-user', api_version = 'auto', auto_remove = True, force_pull = True, volumes = [ 'swissdata-output:/swissdata', 'kofbase-tasks:/tasks' ], docker_url = 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', environment = { 'PG_PASSWORD': pg_password }, command = 'source_swissdata' ) postprocess_swissdata = DockerOperator( ... ) run_swissdata.set_downstream(source_swissdata) source_swissdata.set_downstream(postprocess_swissdata) ``` ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## Task Specific Image .py-large[ ```python run_swissdata = DockerOperator( task_id = 'run_swissdata', image = '', api_version = 'auto', auto_remove = True, force_pull = True, volumes = [ 'swissdata-output:/output' ], docker_url = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" ) ``` ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## Standard Image and a Task File .py-large[ ```python source_swissdata = DockerOperator( task_id = 'source_swissdata', image = '', user='some-base-user', api_version = 'auto', auto_remove = True, force_pull = True, volumes = [ 'swissdata-output:/swissdata', 'kofbase-tasks:/tasks' ], docker_url = 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', environment = { 'PG_PASSWORD': pg_password }, command = 'source_swissdata' ) ``` ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## The Role of R .pull-left[ ### What Does R Do in This? - miniCRAN + R packages take care of dependencies - Downloading, reading and processing data using packages such as _{readxl}_, _{httr}_, _{rvest}_, _{xml2}_, _{jsonlite}_, _{pxR}_, _{tsbox}_, _{yaml}_, ... - R is used as database interface layer _{timeseriesdb}_ ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## The Role of R .pull-left[ ### What Does R Do in This? - miniCRAN + R packages take care of dependencies - Downloading, reading and processing data using packages such as _{readxl}_, _{httr}_, _{rvest}_, _{xml2}_, _{jsonlite}_, _{pxR}_, _{tsbox}_, _{yaml}_, ... - R is used as database interface layer _{timeseriesdb}_ ] .pull-right[ ### Is R any Good at This? ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## The Role of R .pull-left[ ### What Does R Do in This? - miniCRAN + R packages take care of dependencies - Downloading, reading and processing data using packages such as _{readxl}_, _{httr}_, _{rvest}_, _{xml2}_, _{jsonlite}_, _{pxR}_, _{tsbox}_, _{yaml}_, ... - R is used as database interface layer _{timeseriesdb}_ ] .pull-right[ ### Is R any Good at This? - dependencies are managed reasonably well, weaknesses are mitigated by docker ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## The Role of R .pull-left[ ### What Does R Do in This? - miniCRAN + R packages take care of dependencies - Downloading, reading and processing data using packages such as _{readxl}_, _{httr}_, _{rvest}_, _{xml2}_, _{jsonlite}_, _{pxR}_, _{tsbox}_, _{yaml}_, ... - R is used as database interface layer _{timeseriesdb}_ ] .pull-right[ ### Is R any Good at This? - dependencies are managed reasonably well, weaknesses are mitigated by docker - R interfaces incredibly well, there is an R package for everything (15K+ and counting). ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- ## The Role of R .pull-left[ ### What Does R Do in This? - miniCRAN + R packages take care of dependencies - Downloading, reading and processing data using packages such as _{readxl}_, _{httr}_, _{rvest}_, _{xml2}_, _{jsonlite}_, _{pxR}_, _{tsbox}_, _{yaml}_, ... - R is used as database interface layer _{timeseriesdb}_ ] .pull-right[ ### Is R any Good at This? - dependencies are managed reasonably well, weaknesses are mitigated by docker - R interfaces incredibly well, there is an R package for everything (15K+ and counting). - R is inclusive: it's interpreted. It runs on any major OS. Amazing resources to reach carpentry level. It's free. ] <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class: thanks ## Resources - [Rocker Project]( - [Apache Airflow]( - [miniCRAN]( - [gitlab CI]( <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div> --- class:center,middle ## Stay in Touch! ### @whatsgoodio: []( ### Email: bannert [at] ### see you @user2021global (July 2021) <div class="my-footer"><span><div class="footer-text" align="right">This presentation by Dr. Matthias Bannert is licensed under <a href="">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a></div></span></div>